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The subject of abortion has this nation totally divided. Neither side is doing a very good job of changing the other sides mind. Both use  any statistical data to  prove their point and will not accept anything that justifies the others point of view. Once reincarnation is accepted as fact, the debate is certainly going to change but I don't know if we will be any closer to a solution both sides will accept. I can only hope so.

There are  two opposing factors driving this debate, individual rights and morality with an average of 7% of the population  deciding on how they feel about the subject dependent on which factor is being argued. When the discussion is about morality 56% are against it and 44% are either for it or believe morality is not a factor. Argue it from the legal side and 57% are for it and 43% are against it. Reincarnation is going to be a major factor but will it change anyone's mind?     

The first significant point is the moment a human being is created will now be a matter of record not conjecture. My hypothesis is that will happen somewhere between the 23rd to 27th week of pregnancy and we will see it happen. I also believe we will be able to differentiate  between a reincarnated entity and a newly created one.

If all human beings are a combination of reincarnated entities and a new physical body, abortion up until the moment of creation, is a non issue. The entity will simply have to catch the next bus. The physical form in the womb represents the DNA of it's parents but it is not a person and no person will have been denied a life and need  only wait a few seconds at most until the next physical body is available. After the entity joins with the physical  body, terminating the pregnancy, unless there were significant health risks to the mother, would be murder. The legal system will breathe a huge sigh of relief as the moment of life will finally have been identified but only if all newborns are reincarnated entities. Unfortunately I don't think it works that way especially if we are experiencing positive population growth.

Knowing that  reincarnation can define the moment of life will make the legal question easier but what happens if we are dealing with formation of a new entity? Obviously that is certainly part of the process and I believe we will see a difference between the creation of a new entity and the reincarnation of an old one.  The time frame will be the same but we are stuck with the  current debate when it comes to new entities. Terminating a pregnancy at any time will still be a denial of life for any new entity. The new information will certainly make all abortions after the moment of life illegal unless there is a medical emergency so there will no longer be any debate over late term abortions though there are very few happening anywhere in the world that don't involve serious health risks to the mother.

We do have a way to solve this dilemma. All we have to do is maintain zero or negative population growth.  If it gets too negative entities will have to wait longer and I have no idea what if anything controls who gets to wait and how long. Since the entities have no awareness of the passage of time there is no impact on them. For the moment  all we can do is practice faith and/or speculate. I have researched whether there are enough people alive today to accommodate all those  that have come before us and the answer is yes as long as one factors multiple lives into the equation. Recorded history basically doesn't exist for much of mankind's existence  but we do know where we lived and we can tell the size and number of communities  we lived in.

There already is lip service being provided for maintaining zero population growth. Reincarnation will make the debate a lot easier and the less new life is created, the less moral problem  there will be regarding abortion.  Discovering reincarnation  should put the legal debate to rest since the legal debate has already resulted in a woman's right to choose and I honestly do not see that changing no matter who runs our country or the world. We have so many problems to address that, putting this one behind us, will clear the  way to solving some of the others. 

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