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The Signal

If reincarnation happens the person under development in the womb will in all likelihood transmit a signal when it is ready or capable of storing the entity that transforms the unborn into a human being. There is always the possibility  the event is random but the window  is small as the fetus is involved in a highly accelerated growth cycle.  If the signal is sent and not responded to the fetus will have to develop one of its own. In other words, a new  entity will be created.  

Another possibility is the new entity or reincarnated one happens after birth. The brain is still developing and there is no reason the process could not occur after birth. If in fact the research  I propose shows no unusual or unexplained activity, newly born babies to the age of two months  could be monitored far easier than trying to monitor the unborn. In this case, the signal would be sent after birth by the  infant.

From the standpoint of development, it makes more sense for the event to happen while the fetus is still inside the womb. After birth, there will be a lot going on and the brain is better served if it doesn't have to deal with massive amounts of external stimuli during the process of integrating an entity to the physical body.  

If we find some unborns do not send a signal that opens the door to the possibility that divine intervention may be involved in the process.  My instincts tell me the signal  will always be sent and a new entity developed if the signal is not responded to. That would conform to natural selection.

Assuming I am correct and a signal is sent the question becomes how?  Our bodies are designed to  receive and transmit energy with some parts being better at it than others. Our eyes, specifically the rods and cones in our eyes, are perfect examples of antennas that have been tuned to work with unique frequencies. A lot is known about their ability to receive light. Very little if any information is available on their ability to transmit light to the outside world. With few exceptions,  antennas designed to receive signals can also send them. I see no purpose in looking at anything but the eye until we have exhausted all possibilities of the eye  being involved. If the eye is not involved, the possibility of reincarnation becomes remote as evolution will adapt to the path of least resistance in almost all cases.

For those interested in conducting research, the frequency range that needs to be studied first is above 400 nanometers. The eye has some unique properties above 400 nanometers which is why a person has to wear protective goggles when they  are tanning in UV light.   

The question now becomes whose eyes? The fetus more than likely will not have the ability to process light until the 26th week of pregnancy. People have been known to place a flashlight against the abdomen of a pregnant woman in order to solicit response from the  unborn which will react to the light from the 26th week on.  Getting an entity to the eyes of a fetus in a womb is certainly more difficult than getting the entity  to the eye of the birth mother.

Evolution takes the path of least resistance and the best  transmitter available  is the eyes of the birth mother, if for no other reason than she is using them to look at the world around her. The signal power involved is minute and her eyes represent magnitudes of gain over the eyes of the unborn who has no focal point and is immersed in amniotic fluid behind a wall of skin and tissue.
The unborn can easily alert the birth mother it is time to send via a chemical transfer  through the placenta which would trigger neural transmission. I believe this signal is detectable if we look for it.

I am not going to get into signal transmission, reception and particle locomotion  here. If a signal is sent it will be received and an entity or entities will respond to it. Filtering, if any, is pure conjecture and  will have to be explained by faith for now.  Once the signal is received, the degree of difficulty is now reversed. The process becomes much simpler if the entity becomes more attracted to the eyes  of the fetus than the birth mother. Transmitting the entity from the mothers eyes to the  fetuses brain would involve the mothers brain getting the signal, storing it and converting it to chemical energy so it could be sent through the placenta to the fetuses brain where the chemical signatures would be  transferred back to energy ones.

Until we can do the research, my belief is the mother transmits and attracts the entity. Once in range the entity is drawn to the eyes of the fetus which could be sending a signal of its own. Sounds complex until one considers what it takes for a batter to hit a 100mph fastball.

There are a number of ways communication between the unborn and it's mother could be established  in order to transfer  energy between them.  If the birth mother is part of the process that transfers the entity to the unborn, the information will have to be buffered by the mother as any transmission of data using the physical bodies of both will have to conform to the slow processing speed of  both their brains and energy reaction times of the cells  in both their bodies. The eyes of both are the only organs capable of  ultra high data rates to their respective brains.

The rapid  transference of energy is why the eye is the favored path. The brain is a very slow processor. Depending on what you measure and when and where you measure it, it varies from a few cycles per second to about 250cps. The brains processing strength lies in its ability to gather information from multiple  nerve endings simultaneously. There is no computer in the world that can hold a candle to the brains ability to process information because of the brains parallel networking.

Most of you reading this are aware of the information storage  and transmission  abilities at light frequency. A lot of you are now have or are getting fiber optic cable to your doorstep. An entity whose existence resides in the UV range  could store massive amounts of information.

It stands to reason if our entities  get in through the eye, they will leave following the same path. Our eyes are usually open when we  pass and the eyelid offers little resistance to the frequency involved.  That's why you wear the goggles when you are tanning.  It explains the positioning of the images people recall in out of body experiences when they have nearly died.

It is possible  we could detect their going and coming if we were to fit those dying and expectant mothers with specialized lenses that recorded the presence of coherent light in the UV frequency range. I believe any signaling is at the same frequency so we would detect the signaling also. To my knowledge, all experimentation on the human eye that has been done in this light range, has never involved looking for very low level coherent signals.  

If my hypothesis regarding signaling is correct,  women who do not have the ability to see will not have children who are reincarnated. All their children will be first timers. Women with partial sight may or may not be able to have reincarnated children.  The children of unsighted  women would provide an excellent study group for comparing reincarnated children to first timers. If reincarnation is a product of evolution, there will be a difference. If it is not a product of evolution then it can only be spiritual. I am not sure which would have the greater impact on society.