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Homosexuality, I believe, is one of the related phenomena I discuss  on another page. I confess, I only set up a separate page dedicated to this topic in order to generate more hits on my blog.  That said, it is a subject that is being hotly contested today  and it is a subject that will be undergo a a major shift  in how society will be impacted once we have proven reincarnation is fact. How many times have you heard the statement, especially in  young people who are just discovering they are gay, how they feel like they are trapped inside the wrong body?  The question I have is why have we continued to ignore this question?  By we I mean the heterosexual community. Many people in the gay community have asked whether  their lifestyle could be the result of being reincarnated in a different body.

Medical science has chosen to ignore the question so those seeking answers invariably drift towards New Age philosophies that come up with all sorts of mumbo jumbo  which may make the gay person feel better about themselves but I will go out on a limb here and say I don't believe most of them are totally satisfied with the answers  they get.  I am anxious to hear from gay people to see if my assumption holds up.  

I rate homosexuality right up there with Autism. These people have been trying to tell us the truth for centuries and we simply were not listening.  First let me say this may not be a problem. There is some evolutionary gain to be made for a reincarnated entity to experience a life as both sexes. Both sexes definitely have something to gain by adopting some of the behaviors and thoughts of the opposite sex and what better way to do that then to live as both over the course of the centuries?

The problem arises when the entity becomes aware its current gender is not right. We need to try and determine why this is happening. It is my hypothesis that all gender change should be flawless. We know the normal in reincarnation is no recall of our previous lives. Our brain is set up that way with long term memory and short term memory in separate parts. If an event warrants long term retention it is transferred from one section of our brain to the other. When we experience physical death all long term  memory remains behind but  the ability to recall it still exists in the entity that goes on.  In cases of trauma it does get recalled as evidenced by the cases Dr. Tucker has studied.

For most of us we spend our early years before puberty  not really caring about our gender one way or another and, despite social and familial pressures, it all works out when the hormones start to fly. Homosexuals, on the average, are aware of their gender incompatibility long before puberty. Children that have experienced trauma in a previous life  gradually lose the ability to recall their previous life as they approach puberty.  I believe the two are connected but, in the case of homosexuality, the confusion  continues into their adult life. Puberty is a huge onslaught on the human physique and one can only imagine what  must be going on in a person who is not sure about their sexual identity.

Imagine you were female in your previous life and you desperately wanted to have a child but never did. I bring this up because it is common in the homosexual world to really want to have children even though with all the forms of fertilization we have today anyone can be a parent.
The ability to not make a baby  is no longer a factor but I think the desire will still be as strong.

I have no idea how the reincarnation process is determined. I believe it occurs  but I don't have a clue how the unborn attracts an entity or how an entity is attracted to the unborn. Hopefully research will unlock some of those mysteries. I have no idea how common gender change is. If evolution has something to gain, it is  common. If not it is an anomaly but 10% of our population being gay suggests otherwise.  Shooting from the hip, I believe the amount of gender changes correlates to the ratio of men to women worldwide. The odds are, if you are male now, you will be born female in your next life unless you float over China while in entity form. Muslim men are going to really struggle with this concept as are most of the bigots in the world.   

What all this means is, in 10% of the newborns, recall of the previous gender is happening. Actual gender recall will be a lot higher than that but male recalling male and female recalling female will only generate problems if, in your previous life, your parents were a lot more sexually liberated than the current ones you have. The other way around  something or someone inside you will be eternally grateful.

I have to admit I am having a little fun with this topic, but I can think of no greater stereotype I would love to drive a stake through the heart of, then gender issues and just in time for Valentines day. I address soul mates on my related phenomena page. The reason I bring them up here is it appears that we do have some way of deciding what our next gender will be if  there is a reason to stick with the same one. I believe soul mates are an indicator of that. Again I have no idea how the process occurs.    

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