If reincarnation is fact, an entity exists that represents the energy generated by our thoughts and experiences for every physical life we have been part of. My hypothesis states, this entity is a product of natural evolution by any life form capable of changing its own environment using the technological skills it develops in its physical form.
There currently is no way of knowing or proving if our entities can adapt to any other life form that has evolved to the same degree. As I write this there is a television show on ABC called V that is based on one species trying to adapt another species (us) in order to propagate itself in new physical form. Ironically they seek to destroy the very thing (a soul) that would allow an adaptation to take place should my hypothesis be correct. The universe is a large place and we are not alone. We are now discovering planets in the habitable zones of other stars and the sheer immensity of suns in this universe boggles the mind. There are other species out there and there is no reason, other than the fare the entertainment industry provides, to believe they will be substantially different than we are. Snakes are not suited to rapid mental evolution, even bipedal ones with workings hands and arms, provided they were possible.
I bring the above up because evolution or God has gone to a lot of work to make everyone of us. Our planet provides an excellent research laboratory for the study of evolution and the human species on our planet is magnitudes ahead of every other species when it comes to evolving a life form capable of controlling its own environment. I defy anyone to come up with a better working model. On the negative side, a species that evolves to our state also acquires the ability to destroy its own environment. The beauty in all this is our entities will go on no matter how badly we mess our planet up and we will have eternity and the ability and knowledge to get it right the next time. This fact alone, I believe, provides all the evidence anyone should need to recognize, that carrying ability and knowledge forward is essential to the continued evolution of an advanced species and physical adaptation is just too slow and too vulnerable to get the job done.
The above, I feel, makes the case for reincarnation happening. The question now becomes is it happening yet? I believe our rapid mental evolution and all the phenomena I have discussed justifies us our seriously studying the process as there is enough evidence suggesting it has and is happening.
Currently we have no substantiated proof these entities exist so discussing how they work and interact with our physical bodies is pure speculation. We do have some clues to work with and, at the risk of sounding insane, I have experienced a number of revelations. I know that too many diet cokes and a lack of sleep could be a factor for my revelations which surprisingly have happened since I started writing this. Usually revelations are the spark that leads to one writing down their work. The most profound one was the last one I experienced and this time the revelation did lead to my writing this chapter which I refrained from calling revelations. One can become too tacky.
It was classic in the way it presented itself. I have no fear when I experience them now that I am 73. Similar events used to scare the hell out of me when I was a child because everyone called them nightmares. I stopped having them after I turned 12. I am not sure if there was a message then. There is definitely a message now. I woke up paralyzed. I literally felt like I was being pressed between the jaws of a large vise. I lay there for what seemed like a minute. I was trying to move but could not. I know this is not an uncommon manifestation. I was thinking that as I lay there paralyzed. Then I felt a presence which I felt pressing against my back as it wrapped its arms tightly around my shoulders. Very tightly. Somehow I was able to visualize the presence as if I was a spectator sitting behind my head looking down my body which was lying on its left side with the presence wrapped around me talking into my right ear. I could hear the voice with the ear it was talking into but could not make out any words. All I could hear were sounds that sounded like words but they were not any language I knew. As a spectator I could see the apparition talking into my ear and I could see it had humanoid form. It had no eyes, no ears. and the mouth was just a depression in the forms head. It had a brown color and looked like a creature with closely shaved fur. It resembled a shmoo but it had arms and hands with no fingers and the neck was a lot shorter than the shmoo made famous by the cartoonist Al Capp in his Li'l Abner strip. after what seemed to be a couple of minutes, It disappeared and I was no longer paralyzed and I returned to a normal visual perspective but I was not alone. There was something in the room which I couldn't see anywhere. I checked the clock. The right side of my neck and head and my right arm were tingling and felt like there was a cold breeze blowing on them. This went on for 5 minutes and then it was gone. I have read of similar experiences. I was not afraid and I wanted to see or hear something but could not. I know how long because I was verifying the time with the LED digital clock on my cable TV converter
The revelations happened immediately after the event was over. I knew where all the entities were. They live in our brains like parasites but they cause no harm unless there is trauma that disrupts the normal process. They need us for sensory perception as they possess none of their own. Detached from a host, they have no awareness so they travel through time as hitchhikers. That is why they hang on so tightly. One of them is prime and is the one fully integrated with our physical body. It is the one that was talking to me. Basically I was talking to myself and couldn't understand a word I was saying. That is the next revelation. We are not supposed to know what we are saying to ourselves when it comes to our entity as all forms of communication are subconscious unless trauma interferes with the process. The words I could not understand. The thoughts I could.
Some of you have read Jung. He believed in a collective subconscious and the presence of many entities does provide some explanation though the only entity that does communicate with our subconscious is our prime. If entities do communicate with one another, and there is evidence they do, I do not believe they can communicate directly with our physical brain. The prime is the only one that can do that but the prime could communicate a collective subconscious and Jung's observations become valid.
I have studied lucid dreams and the paralysis associated with REM sleep and both may have played a role in my above experience. If in fact I was experiencing a lucid dream after a REM moment then the above was nothing more than a figment of my imaginary abilities. I cannot discount that but the knowledge I became aware of did not materialize as conscious thought. The knowledge came in the form of realizations that I did not have to ponder. I have found no studies that address the phenomena I experienced after the event ended. I experienced very little conscious thought during the entire event. I was focused on observing the phenomena and I was not afraid. The realizations happened immediately after the event ended.
Recall from a previous life is not normal and the reasons are obvious. We do not want the entity that was part of Hitlers' physical body recalling his life and mental processes. Unfortunately the history of mankind includes more accomplished people with black hats than it does ones with white hats. In addition, a person who had suffered from disease, infliction or prolonged trauma would continue suffering in their new life. It appears those that have normal lives who die a sudden death do, on occasion, experience recall. These cases are being studied. From an evolutionary stand point selective recall would be a powerful tool if we could somehow control it. If we could ensure there was no recall for Charles Manson and there was recall related to the life work of Stephen Hawking, the benefit to mankind would be enormous. In contrast those that would use the ability for personal gain could end up destroying mankind. I am not too concerned. Evolution has a way of working it all out so the species benefits.
I see no reason why the entities cannot communicate with one another when they have a host. For that matter they should be able to communicate to other entries in the immediate area. All communication will have very low power transmissions in the visible light range. Entities come and go using the low light response of the rods in our eyes. Researchers, that look into such phenomena as apparitions, need to determine if all those experiencing an event have eye contact? Seance tables are always round if more than two are present. Maybe we now know why. Their ability to communicate, because they are energy in a a pure energy form, starts to explain phenomena like telepathy and more than one person seeing deceased Aunt Irma at her husbands funeral. Let me be clear, this paragraph is speculative except for their existence in the visible spectrum somewhere between 400 to 430 nanometers. Since my visitation or connection in the event I describe above, I can see them under certain lighting conditions. I am observing their behavior on a daily basis. I realize I probably sound crazy to most of you but I am eager to submit myself to any testing and all the reading I have done eliminates any medical diagnosis I can find. I did recently undergo a balloon compression for treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia. The procedure was a huge success and I can find nothing stating the phenomena I am experiencing is a result of the surgery.
The one thing that my hypothesis and all forms of religion have in common is our existence. If we did not exist it would be like the tree falling in the forest that makes no sound if there is no one to hear it. Lesser life forms do not contemplate their existence. The jury is out on whether life forms that are near the top of the evolutionary ladder like primates and sea mammals ever consider what life is all about. My hypothesis is they don't unless they have the ability to reincarnate. If they do reincarnate then it is possible we would become a porpoise in our next life. Some would see that as an improvement but knowledge and ability are useless if an entity has no way of applying them. We are the only species on this planet that can benefit from the process.
We exist and we wonder why. Those who follow western faiths see our existence continuing on in an afterlife for eternity with two basic options, eternal damnation or eternal bliss . There is little or no thought into what either means. Eastern faiths do accept reincarnation either exists or may exist but it's only purpose is for our entities to reach a state of entropy similar to the third law of thermodynamics. There is a theory based on all energy ultimately arriving at entropy so they may be right but the Universe we can all see is no where near attaining its final state. I like to think we exist to prevent the universe from reaching a final state and we are all going to experience billions of lifetimes before our universe gets close to its final state. Given the other choices, I like mine a lot better. I think my entity does too.
I refer to it as my entity and, for now, it is but I will terminate. The entity that is currently integrated with my physical form will not. It will find another host where it can be prime and all recall of this life it now shares with me will be suppressed to the subconscious level in the next hosts mind unless there is trauma or enlightenment that changes the ability to recall. Past life amnesia is essential in most cases. We all need a new slate so we can experience life anew and do with it what we will with no preconceptions. I believe that will change as we continue to evolve. I hope I get to be one of the pioneers as I feel like I could continue on with minimal adjustment and I do not think I am alone. Please keep in mind that your new life will not be a continuation of your current life. Those that want to continue their current life are missing the point. The process is all about adaptation and evolution. Repeating the same life over and over accomplishes neither. Suppressed recall is essential in their case.
I believe I am ready to carry my current life experiences forward in conjunction with my ability and knowledge. Each person needs to lend a lot of thought as to what their motives are for carrying total recall forward. If you are not completely prepared, it probably won't happen. I wonder what would have happened to Harry Houdini if he had looked upon returning from the dead with my mindset? The man really wanted to make the journey but he was too enamored and opposed to the spiritual concepts of past life and he was focused on the return of one Harry Houdini and that is not possible until we can prove parallel universes.
Ability and knowledge will transfer to the new conscious mind as the needs arise in any case. If a person is concert pianist in a previous life they may or may not be one in the next life. Fate will always play a hand. If someone or something introduces the entities new host to music, the new physical form will quickly adapt to the skills and knowledge the prime was exposed to in a previous life. In cases of trauma like Autism, that recall can be instantaneous. I believe most of us have experienced knowledge that we cannot recall having studied at any time in our lives. It happens to me a lot. I think more so than most which accounts for this body of work you see before you.
The one major drawback to learning knowledge for the first time is the application of new knowledge tends to get lost in the details. We become so focused on unique elements of knowledge we miss the big picture. I think the continued ignorance of reincarnation is a perfect example of the process. Many of mankind's greatest discoveries have been obscured by too many details and it takes an accident or unpredictable result to change the general mindset. Knowledge passed on from a previous life is not as encumbered and I believe the rapid changes we see today in technology are a direct result of recalled abilities and knowledge.
It all boils down to opening ones mind to new concepts. The answers have always been there but we tend to ignore them, even if we have the knowledge to understand them especially when the answers conflict with any preconceived notions we all have.
Some of you reading this probably think I am mentally disturbed. If you do, I am about to remove any doubt you may still have. Bruce Willis in a popular movie found out the hard way what it can mean when a little boys says; "I see dead people!" I don't see dead people but I recently started seeing entities. My first thought was; "Is this a result of my Trigemenial surgery, a brain tumor. or some sort of visual trauma that has not been diagnosed?" I had to undergo a CAT scan before my surgery so odds are there is no brain tumor. I did not start seeing entities before I had written this chapter and I had no idea I would start seeing them as a result of opening my mind to the concept. I have lost some muscle control of my eyes and am now wearing prismatic lenses when I read or work on the computer so there is a possibility the phenomena is related to my surgery but neither my doctors nor I can find any explanation for my ability or problem.
Three months ago I started seeing ultraviolet light blotches in low light conditions. In the beginning I firmly believed I was experiencing a vision problem associated with my surgery until I realized that the blotches did not move with my eyes. No matter where I looked they stayed in the same place. I have spent the past months analyzing their behavior and experimenting with lighting conditions and I have made some interesting discoveries. They are not visible unless the lighting conditions stimulate the low light level response of the cones in our eyes. Too much or too little light and they cannot be seen by the human eye. They are a consistent shade of violet which brightens as they become focused on anything they are attracted to. If they are in their diffused state they appear in a pattern that fulfills the low light capability of our cones. The outer boundary of detectable light appears to be no greater than 30 feet. I believe they are circular but I have not been able to replicate the visual field that would allow that to happen. Background absorption and solid objects give them an irregular border most of the time. As they get close to sources of electromagnetic radiation they shrink and become brighter. They are definitely attracted to all electromagnetic devices and I have never seen one in a room that did not have a radio, TV, computer or some sort of electronic device present. They love automobiles that have their engines running and they congregate along roadways. They will follow a passing car and get brighter and more focused, the closer they get to the car. Since they are only observable at night or late twilight I cannot tell how many people there are in any given car but it appears they are attracted to the car and, once they get close enough, they may or may not associate themselves with anyone inside. If there are three people in the car I may see three of them traveling outside the car or I may see only one hovering over the top of the car. Sometimes they are off to the side or directly above but they remain about 1-2 feet away from any individual or automobile. They appear to favor electromagnetic devices over people but they will become attracted to a person who is in the presence of an electromagnetic field
If what I see actually exists I have to believe anyone can see them who is willing to accept the fact there could be something there. I can choose not to see them. I compare it to turning a light switch on or off and I can switch them off anytime I choose. If I am not consciously controlling the switch, I usually see them if I am not in deep thought at the time. The lighting conditions have to be right and the headlights of cars at night do provide good lighting conditions. If you are willing to accept the possibility they exist, I believe you can see them. You will have to be in your car traveling on a road that is dimly lit with the occasional street light or house lights and you need to focus on the sides of the road that are at the limit of the range of your headlights. Simply think violet and you will start to see them. Once your mind has been enabled to their presence you can observe their behavior as I do. You have to be able to detect them in the shadows before you can see them near electromagnetic devices or automobiles. I have no idea why but, once you can detect them in the shadows, you will gain the ability to see them in the situations I have described. If enough of you experience the phenomena I will start a blog where everyone can report what they observe. In the meantime just send an email to dickholl@hotmail.com.
I believe I am starting to understand the communication process that goes on between our subconscious mind and our entity which I believe is in particle form in our cerebellum. Thought transfer happens in the form of realizations regarding knowledge that you have not been exposed to in this life. Once the knowledge is imparted, conscious thought becomes involved, but it comes in the form of a realization and you feel no reason to debate the observation. Any knowledge we are exposed to, be it by reading, watching television, oral debate or observation, most of us question to some degree. If nothing else we have learned to be skeptical on any new information for a variety of reasons. The realizations I am experiencing, as I continue to work on this project, come baggage free. My conscious mind accepts them with no reservations which is highly unusual for me as I tend to question everything.
As a Deist I do not believe God is actively involved in our daily lives but I believe I now have a greater understanding of those who believe in a personal God. The knowledge they acquire regarding their religious convictions is also coming from their entity and possibly other entities and it is inspired thought so they also feel no need to debate their conclusions and/or realizations. I imagine the thoughts gays have regarding being trapped in the wrong body along with past life recall and other related phenomena all come with the same conviction.
I am aware of the various theories in psychiatry that define the above process but all of them are still conjecture. Religious beliefs, as practiced on this planet, are obviously still mostly conjecture which is made obvious by the fact there are so many different belief systems. The point I am attempting to make is, the thought process we all feel is inspired, is our entity communicating with our subconscious mind. Since our entities come with all the thoughts of their associations with other physical bodies, we are open to all sorts of suggestions which we believe are inspired.
For some reason totally beyond my current understanding, my entity is telling me how the process of reincarnation and the integration of our entity and physical body works. I have no idea why I drew the short straw. I doubt my observations will reach a significant audience in the time I have left in my current physical life for me to see much of a benefit in this life. Now that I am in the loop maybe I will carry the ability forward and be like the baby in the E-trade commercials, spewing advice and knowledge from my crib. Should that happen this book will be a best seller.
My hypothesis is, the reason for their existence is evolution. They exist to record information and impart it, as needed, to future generations. The experiences of any given life are purposely suppressed so each successive life is not compromised by previous lives. I believe the process will eventually evolve to the point where suppression is no longer necessary because future lives will no longer be in danger of being compromised by past lives. All the related phenomena I have presented are the result of trauma to either our entity, our physical body or both. Mistakes happen because mistakes are essential to evolution working.
One remaining mystery for me is do our entities communicate with one another? To date, that information has not been passed on to me. I do know, If they are not conjoined with a physical body, they have no sensory ability. It is pure speculation on my part when I say I believe they are piggy backing our cerebellum so they can gain some sensory awareness which explains our seeing ghosts, aliens and demonic possessions but I have had no revelations on this subject.
Another mystery is how do entities get around? Do they have a form of propulsion or are they reliant upon attractive forces? The behavior I have observed indicates they are reliant on other sources of energy. For most of mankind's evolution there were not many sources of energy for them to be attracted to. The last 150 years have changed all that. Up until 150 years ago their predominant source of locomotion must have been living human beings and possibly other lifeforms. It is an interesting area for research. I know enough science to understand any knowledge my entity wants to share with my subconscious mind but nothing so far.
Anyone who disagrees with my observations is in a perfect position to debunk everything I have said because I am not being subtle in any way. The gateway in and out of our physical body is the rods in our eyes. Entities emanate using a waveform in the 400-430nm range. They are attracted to electromagnetic devices. They reside in our cerebellum in particle form and they communicate on a sub-subconscious channel to our physical brain. Go ahead make my day, prove I am wrong.