Since this blog limits how many page/chapters can be displayed I decided to lump phenomena that could be related to reincarnation into one page. Each section is titled and uses alpha numerical designation for each paragraph. If you want to address a specific topic please include the title and the alpha numeric range of the paragraph(s) you would like to comment about. I will be adding any verifiable information to this page as the blog progresses. There may be phenomena I have overlooked and/or I didn't feel was related to proving the existence of reincarnation. I will eagerly modify this page once presented with any new knowledge.
There are a lot of trees in the forest we call reincarnation and a major impediment of any research regarding reincarnation, has been obscured by its trees. This blog is about looking at the forest.
In the course of my research I have found there is a common thread that links all related phenomena. In most cases some sort of trauma, usually medical in nature, is present. It happens too often to be a coincidence. It is my hypothesis none of the below phenomena is part of the everyday life of most individuals who have not been inflicted with an ongoing condition like Autism. Trauma that is life long usually occurs in the developing fetus and that includes all the mental anomalies associated with the process of reincarnation. The second paragraph for each sub topic addresses the subject of any related trauma.
As I gather more information I will continue to add to this list. The fact that I can compile the below list keeps adding logs to the fire illuminating the process of reincarnation. There are so many clues indicating the process is happening. Certainly enough to conduct a lot more research than we have to date.
My list of related phenomena follows. They are in no logical order.
A. Recall of past lives:
a1. I was intrigued by the case studies originally conducted by Ian Stevenson and now being conducted by Dr. Tucker at the University of Virgina. I am also aware of what all the skeptics have to say especially how a person can be led to say what another wants them to say and even believe. Certainly a psychiatrist bent on deception, either consciously or subconsciously, would have the tools to induce recall into a young persons mind. There no doubt are cases where deception is in play but there are also cases that include phenomena that defy deception. Enough so that science and mankind should take the information more seriously than we do. I discuss the reasons we don't elsewhere in this blog.
a2. Most of the cases involving recall do involve trauma. In these cases the trauma was a tragic event that led to the sudden death of the person being recalled. Most were violent in nature. There is no reason to recap these events. The above link provides access to all the cases that have been studied.
a3. No discussion of recall would be complete without addressing hypnotic regression. If we have proved anything, we have proved this technique is not scientific. Hypnosis is suggestive by nature. We all have the capacity to convince ourselves we have done things we haven't. Most of us have a few skeletons in our closet that are figments of our imagination that, to us, are real. There is some evidence that therapeutic regression does help patients with past trauma but any recall of a past life has not held up under scrutiny. Any money spent pursuing this research in order to prove reincarnation should have been spent elsewhere.
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B. Déjà vu and Other Realizations:
b1. Who hasn't experienced this phenomena? There certainly is a feeling associated with it. For those that have used recreational drugs it compares to a head rush. These events are fleeting in nature. They may interrupt what we are doing and make us pause but I have found no cases that have led to life changing events. They remain one of the mysteries of life. Explanations range from optical anomalies to brain function. No one can say they have nothing to do with a past life. If one happens in the shopping mall odds are reincarnation is not involved. If one is looking at scenery that has remained relatively unchanged over the past 100 years recall can't be ruled out.
b2. There is very little if any trauma associated with these events. There is some evidence that a form of epilepsy may be involved in individuals that experience more of these events then is normal. To date, no has come up with any conclusive results. There have been cases where prescribed medications have induced the phenomena. To my knowledge, there are no in depth studies being conducted regarding pharmaceutical induced realizations.
b3. To date I have not found any information on realizations I have experienced for most of my adult life. Time and time again I have experienced knowledge I know I have never learned. I can find cases where people think they know something they don't. They are common but so far I have not found one other case where an individual other than myself has experienced knowledge they cannot recall they have ever studied. I simply do not believe I am the only one. I didn't include those afflicted with savant autism in this category as their ability results from an obvious trauma. I hope that others come forward as this has perplexed me for most of my adult life. Somethings are intuitive but others involve knowledge of processes I have never been involved with. One example is I had to turn in a report on an internal combustion engine which I never studied for. My teacher gave me an A and said it was the one of the best reports he had seen. I wish that would have held true for all my subjects. I have no explanation for knowing things I have never been exposed to. Reincarnation is certainly one of the possibilities.
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C. Out of Body Experiences:
c1. This is the first of the three junk sciences I address in this blog. Junk science is not necessarily bad science. All it says is there are factors at play that fall outside the realm of any scientific endeavor. In this case the only evidence is the first hand accounts of those that have experienced the phenomena. The only scientific validation in these cases is does the person explaining the event have knowledge of others experiencing similar events? If no prior knowledge exists, a researcher can compare one persons testimony to another and observe any similarities. Unfortunately most people have some knowledge as there is a degree of curiosity at play. I include Near Death Experiences (NDE) with Out of Body Experiences (OBE).
If reincarnation is possible, NDE and OBE experiences lend credibility to the existence of an entity outside of our physical bodies. No entity, no possibility of reincarnation. Most Universities that are conducting psychiatric research include studies of all mental anomalies involving the thought processes of the human mind. Their goal is to understand how the human mind works. Proving or disproving these events actually occur is secondary to the research they are conducting.
c2. In cases of NDE, trauma or disease is always involved. OBE has been reported in people that were not suffering trauma or illness.
c3. This and following paragraphs are all conjectures which are beyond proof until reincarnation has been proven. An actual reincarnation by a person who experienced a NDE or OBE before passing would allow us to interview the individual starting at the age of three in their new life. Sounds strange to me and I am convinced the process is occurring. There are other possibilities.
c4. In entity form many things are possible. Keep in mind that physics say the entity has no sensory perception meaning it has no ability to interface with our physical world on it's own. It does have the ability to connect to a working brain capable of interfacing to the entity and that is what I think is happening in the cases of NBE and OBE. Once connected it has access to all the sensory devices attached to the working brain.
c5. The change of perspective is fascinating. In almost all cases the person perceives themselves to be directly over their body looking down at the events that are happening. Once the data link between a working brain and the entity has been established, the transfer of information required to maintain perspective is certainly possible. You are observing the process by reading this blog. The thing I find curious is why do so many report the same perspective? If the event is actually occurring, the perspective would not be limited to just the one view.
c6. Most of us know someone who has had one of these experiences. In my case it was my Grandmother and she told the same story most tell. I don't know how much she read about others who had experienced the same thing but she swore she had the experience long before she had ever read of anyone else experiencing the same thing.
c7. Another possibility is the entity could have the ability to connect to any working brain that allows the connection to be made. Data security is an issue. If for no other reason, it would be counterproductive to the evolutionary process if entities could attach to any species related physical being available, especially if the entity has memory retention. Like all things there will be physical laws at play. Matching DNA may be required in most cases. The willingness of the person who is sharing their brain may be another. Illness and trauma could be factors. If, in fact, the entity does have the ability to use another functioning human brain, we start seeing the answer to a lot of questions that have plagued us down through the centuries.
Click here to post on C. OBE
D. Coma:
d1. The only references I can find that relate coma and reincarnation are tarot card reading. It is thinking like this that relegates any study on reincarnation into the spiritual, new age or mystical field. Even in tarot card reading they do stipulate that any entity/soul is energy and, as energy, can exist for eternity. That is scientific fact. So what happens to this entity when a physical body is incapable of interfacing to it? The answer is nothing. All coma shows is our energy, deprived of sensory perception, is unaware of the passage of time. Reconnection upon awakening from a coma is difficult in all cases but a full recovery is possible. Partial recoveries are related to the type and amount of trauma or illness suffered and the length of the coma.
d2. All comas are due to either trauma, illness or drugs legal and illegal.
d3. I have included coma in my list of phenomena for two primary reasons. The first being the memories, abilities and knowledge we possess do survive prolonged periods of isolation from our bodily functions. Losses are normally related to the type and location of the disease or trauma. Prolonged medically induced comas used to prevent further damage to the brain while medical personnel diagnosis the nature of the illness or trauma work. I seriously doubt anyone is willing to subject themselves to a medically induced coma for extended periods in order to gather research of the affect on the healthy brain. Those that have overdosed on recreational drugs to the point of coma usually suffer some brain damage before treatment is instigated.
In most cases, the individual is not aware of the passage of time while in a state of coma which is essential to our soul/entity existing with no awareness of time. Those that express the desire to live for eternity in a conscious state simply do not take the time to understand the implication. (No pun intended).
d4. The second is the apparent absence of any other related phenomena while in a state of coma. There are accounts of NDE's and OBE's associated with coma but these only seem to occur when a person is lapsing in and out of coma. This is an important clue. When not in a state of coma there is some awareness of the sensory capability of our physical bodies. It is my hypothesis that awareness has to be established in order for OBE's and NDE's to occur. No connectivity, no awareness, no ability to interface with the physical world. I go into this in more detail in Spiritual Encounters.
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E. Amnesia:
e1. We know a lot about amnesia and we don't know a lot about amnesia. We can temporarily cause amnesia with drugs, something that all those that have undergone a colonoscopy can be eternally grateful for. It certainly determines who we are when we have to deal with it. A person can dedicate their entire lives to studying the human brain as a whole or in unique parts. Nothing defines the role of the human brain more than a state of amnesia can. Studying people affected by amnesia has led to amazing discoveries and I believe it can lead to more. I believe I have introduced a tool that can prove reincarnation happens. If those that study amnesia were to open their research to the possibility that the process of reincarnation is also a factor in amnesia, the treatment and understanding of the condition would be profoundly affected. The information discovered would also lend more evidence that reincarnation in the human species occurs and would help us understand how it occurs.
e2. Trauma either mental or physical or drugs causes all forms of amnesia. There are illnesses that can also cause the condition like encephalitis. There are also many cases of fabricated amnesia like deliberately forgetting an unfinished project or a chore one has no desire to do. The memory loss is real in most cases. So is the punishment if you still live at home with your parents. There are far too many causes to discuss here so I suggest Wiki as a starting point.
e3. Ironically amnesia is studied by those pursuing research in reincarnation. Unfortunately the opposite has been ignored until now. I even read one account where the writer was hoping to induce amnesia so reincarnation would not happen and a person could go on to the blissful afterlife that no one can define. Those that do research on recall of past lives are perplexed by the onset of amnesia in the young people they study with full memory loss happening after the age of 8. I suggest that the fact they can recall is a phenomena induced by trauma to the entity in the previous life and the healing process occurs over an 8 year period. Basically what we have is the opposite of amnesia. Studying both together would open a lot of doors into the functioning of the human brain that are currently closed.
e4. It is my hypothesis, in some cases of amnesia with emphasis on mentally induced amnesia. the entity that united with the physical body is so traumatized that it withdraws from the physical body. I believe the bulk of the entities awareness in the human brain is in the cerebral cortex. The entity utilizes the neural pathways to relay ability and knowledge and to record ability and knowledge. The coherent energy packet that makes up the entity is located in the cerebellum. I discuss this more in the section on dementia. The function of the entity, as part of evolution, is to carry ability and knowledge from one physical form to the next. If trauma becomes to severe it's ability could be impacted so withdrawal is a defensive mechanism. Mental trauma does damage brain cells if it becomes prolonged. It is possible that it can also damage the data the entity is recording.
e5. Carrying the above hypothesis further, nature abhors a void and I believe the possibility exists that another entity could connect to a receptive cortex. In most cases, long term memory is suppressed when physical life ceases. There is no recall in the next life under normal conditions. Patients who are in a state of coma are basically an open book. A replacement entity could interface to the parts of the brain which retain speech and comprehension. The new entity free of the long term memory of the prime entity ends the state of coma and the patient awakens with no recall. This could explain why attempting to reestablish long term memory fails in some cases of amnesia. If in fact the entity can separate in cases of trauma or if the entity is suppressed by trauma, the possibility of another entity using the same gateway that opened at the onset of advanced brain function in the unborn needs to be studied. I believe there is further evidence that this is occurring when we look at the phenomena of ESP and spiritual encounters.
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F. Savant Autism:
f1. Of all the phenomena related to the possibility of reincarnation, Savant Autism and Autism in general reach out and slap us across the face and science continues to basically ignore these children who say and do spectacular things and no one readily admits to knowing why. Ask the parent of any middle functioning autistic child and they will tell you their child is constantly referring to when he or she was big and then there are the savants whose ability or abilities go way beyond comprehension.
It is my hypothesis that reincarnation exists for one purpose only and that purpose, which has evolved in the human species, is to pass ability and information on to following generations. DNA alone cannot keep up with the rapidly changing mental environment our species has to live in.
There is no greater example of this in our autistic children whose abilities and knowledge have been channeled by their condition and science needs to study these children for more than a cure. They are a door to understanding the very nature of our existence.
I find it sad that I have to push a new technology to open the door to research that should have been opened eons ago by studying children with autism. We would have better treatments then we do today had they done so. The progress that has been made in the last 20 years is amazing. Think where that research would be if we had let ourselves believe their condition could hold the key to our very existence. Now that we are beginning to recognize autism is far more prevalent among high functioning children who, until now, were considered to be normal children with behavioral problems, our failure to seek knowledge becomes even more tragic.
f2. Genetics gone wrong, which is a form of trauma, appears to play the biggest role in Autism but no one to date has been able to definitely state what causes it. The Autistic brain does not work the way normal brains do and we don't know why. As a species we are wired to want answers especially when it come to our children and sadly, many a rumor gets started about what may or may not be a factor behind Autism. I think our lack of understanding is a clue. Taking the possibility of reincarnation seriously would open up new channels of research as Autism could be the result of trauma that interferes with the normal connectivity of an entity to a physical body. That trauma could be a factor of DNA or it could be factor of the connection process or both.
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G. Extra Sensory Perception (ESP):
g1. ESP is the second of the three junk sciences I have included in my blog. There is a ton of material both pro and con regarding ESP in all its forms. I wish the study of reincarnation received as much attention as the studies on ESP have. Both cross the lines of New Age studies, mysticism and religious practices as well any scientific interest in either phenomena but the press and attention favors ESP by magnitudes. Unfortunately money invested in real research favors studies on ESP also. The results are still inconclusive. The skeptics, for the most part, are bordering on fanaticism in their zeal to discredit any research being conducted and the monies that are made available for research come from from sources that encourage those doing the research to come up with the desired results. What we have is huge mess of information that gets twisted around and the only way one can make sure of their data is to gather it on their own. The problem today is new ideas are extremely hard to come by.
g2. Trauma to the best of my knowledge is not a concerning factor when it comes to ESP. If trauma exists one of the other related phenomena discussed here will take precedence. The trauma in this case is the hysteria the study of ESP generates. I know I will get hammered saying this but the studies conducted by Doctor Rhine published in 1934 do as good of job of attempting to use the scientific process as can be expected until new methods appear.
There is one point in his book that leaped out at me (no it was not an ESP moment). The statement that those being tested had to be distracted and not focusing on the experiment at hand. That is exactly how I would describe every ESP moment I feel I have experienced in my life. I was not thinking about any form of ESP when they happened and that, I believe, is what makes testing for the phenomena so damn difficult.
That brings up the fact that most people feel they have experienced a moment or moments in their lives that felt like ESP. Are they real or are they subjective and due to drugs, lack of sleep, induced hypnosis, recalled dreams or any other number of things? Simply put we don't know
g3. So what does ESP have to do with reincarnation other than being a distraction that impacts research? I believe the connection is obvious. If reincarnation exists the gateway that allows an entity to connect to the cerebral cortex would be the same pathway that any form of ESP would no doubt follow. If it is there why not use it? Both are products of energy and, before anyone starts putting down Quantum Mechanics who has little or knowledge of it, I would ask them if they had ever seen a single photon? The fact is they can't see a whole lot of photons until they reach enough Joules especially the ones outside the visible light spectrum. Before one of you pseudo scientists jump me on how light could not penetrate the human skull, what if the entity that exists outside our physical body has a very low frequency? A really low frequency like a wave length that exceeds more meters than the frequency we use to communicate to submarines underwater? I am ignoring power factors here but never say never when it comes to Quantum Mechanics or any other branch of Physics that could play a role in the ability of an entity to exist outside the human body.
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H. Spiritual Encounters:
h1. The last of the junk sciences I have included is spiritual encounters. I have lumped all things spiritual into one. Poltergeists or demons all have the same characteristics with one major difference. We believe we see ghostly images. Demons possess us. Both are apparitions. Feeling you have been visited by God or one of God's agents are also spiritual encounters. There are tons of photos and videos of ghostly apparitions. If we could believe what we are seeing via media one could not argue these things exist. Unfortunately it is too easy to fake ghost photos even the ones that appear to be using scientific methods to record them. Poorly defined images provide a tool that enables fabrication and most of us are gullible enough to consider the work may be legitimate. You have to be there to know if there is any chance that someone actually recorded something.
h2. Turns out trauma does play a role in spiritual encounters mostly in the form of a condition known as temporal lobe epilepsy. Some scholars believe that the early prophets suffered from this condition which can result from a variety of things. In the days of the prophets we can eliminate brain surgery as one of them. Once again we find research that overlooks if these phenomenons could be a result of the reincarnation process. The temporal lobe is part of the cerebral cortex and it sits in an interesting location. More on that in the page on The Brain.
In her intro to her book, "Fingerprints of God" Barbara Bradley Hagerty outlines her research and I have not found a better reference for the subject. Her intro and her book are objective and well written.
h3. Now we introduce my hypothesis which includes a lot of conjecture. I don't feel bad considering the lengths people go to fabricate ghostly images for a market eager to consume them. If you have been paying attention it is obvious I have been discrediting media images every way that I can. There is good reason for that. I simply cannot explain them without going way out on a limb. What I am about to say is going to sound extremely far fetched unless you possess a profound understanding of physics and part of what I am about say will also induce scorn from those who have studied their physics.
There are no images to see because the entities capable of producing images simply do not have the properties to do so. If they did have the properties to do so they would be visible any time the environment provided the needed requirements for visibility. Stated another way if the conditions were right everyone would be seeing the apparitions at the same time. As for haunted houses that require a resident apparitions presence, a solar flare or other energy phenomena like a sudden power spike could blow it half way across the country and with no sensory capability or awareness of the passage of time there isn't much of a chance it would find its way back.
h4. If there are no images to be seen how in hell do they end up on film and strolling down the corridor of the local haunted house? How come an entire group of people can see Uncle Fred who passed two years ago standing by the grave at Aunt Ermas interment ceremony? The answer is they don't have to be there to be seen. They are energy and they can do things energy can do. If reincarnation is possible then one of the things energy can do is connect itself to a human brain. Without that connection they have no sensory awareness. They are using our brains for their purposes. Sounds like the plot for a good movie but it is not all that strange if reincarnation is a process that is part of human evolution.
We give them access to sensory perception. Since they are energy they can then use our sensory capability to manifest themselves. I believe it is that simple. Creating their manifestation in more than one person at the same time is no real challenge for an intelligent energy form that has temporarily acquired sensory ability. I say temporary because there are rules in effect here. One of those rules is we have to be willing or it isn't going to happen. That is pure conjecture on my part and it is going to take a lot of study before we fully understand the phenomena.
h5. I know my skeptics think they have me because I didn't mention the images on media. I struggled with this myself which is why I say the jury is out when it comes to recording spiritual encounters. For the sake of this discussion, let's say the media is recording actual events that are manifestations of our own minds. How could that be? Remember we are talking energy forms here and ( I can't believe I am saying this) it is possible. As energy forms, they may be manipulating the media to record their images. They may not be to good at it which would explain the quality. Keep in mind the media being used hasn't been around that long and the knowledge to do the work hasn't either which would make it an evolving skill. Think of the movie Tron and it starts to come together a little. To those of you who are currently thinking this guy is a real whack job, prove me wrong. Physics is an amazing subject.
h6. I see spiritual encounters as just another piece of the puzzle. It is a piece that tells me we need a lot more research into the functioning of the temporal lobe. Consider these mental illnesses: Sociopathic Behavior, Demonic Possession, Multiple Personality Disorders and on and on and on. In any evolutionary process mistakes happen. Sometimes mistakes lead to amazing adaptations that would have taken eons to evolve otherwise. Sometimes mistakes lead to disasters or potential disaster for the species like the Panda and the Koala bear.
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I. Soul Weight:
i1. What is really surprising about soul weight is someone actually tried to weigh a soul back in 1907. Dr. Duncan "Om" MacDougall constructed a bed on a scale on which he placed patients dying from tuberculosis and he detected a sudden weight loss that averaged 21 grams at the moment of death. His experimental device was constrained by the technology of 1907 and his results were certainly open to criticism. Taking all the problems into account, there is still enough evidence to warrant further experimentation and there are a few that are currently seeking funding for the development of instruments to further research this phenomena. Dr. Gerry Nahum is the strongest advocate for conducting further research. Research with animals has shown the opposite occurring with most gaining weight after death. Some show no weight change which corroborates my hypothesis that only advanced lifeforms have adapted the ability to reincarnate. Mary Roach covers this subject in depth in her Lost magazine article. By itself, proving a soul/entity exists by weighing it does not prove reincarnation. Most people believe we have a soul already. The debate is what happens to it after the body dies? Detecting an entity entering the physical body proves reincarnation. Detecting one leaving certainly adds creditability to reincarnation but it does not prove it happens.
i2. Other than the fact the people who are needed for experimentation have to be dying of something, trauma is not an issue in soul weight. The issue becomes the moral and ethical aspects of experimenting with people who are near death. There no doubt are some who would volunteer as I would but many may not have it in their power to make that decision and their families and loved ones would not want the person subjected to experimentation.
Prisoners condemned to death are ideal for experimentation as they are healthy at the time of their death. The necessary instruments would require no additional pain or discomfort on their part and would be no more obvious than standard EKG monitors. Financial incentives for members of their families should provide volunteers for the program.
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J. Dementia:
j1. I am including all types of dementia under this topic. Alzheimer's Disease (AD) leads the list with 5.3 million people in the United States suffering this catastrophic disease. By the time a person succumbs their personality and mind no longer exists. We keep them alive even though they have no life and those who suffer from the advanced stages of any dementia are lost to us even if a cure is discovered. If reincarnation is a fact, we may decide the best thing for those suffering would be euthanasia. Even then there are many who would not let go. People of faith who believe in an afterlife hang on as long as they possess any mental capacity to do so and those who want to end their suffering are not allowed to under our current laws. Close family members are reluctant to let go even though no vestige of the person they once knew remains.
j2. Dementia is always disease related. Delirium resulting from injury, disease or drugs is sometimes diagnosed as dementia but dementia is a permanent state that only gets worse. How fast it gets worse can be controlled with medication and there are signs the condition can be slightly reversed if it is caught very early. Since it is the sixth leading cause of death and no doubt the worst type of death anyone could face, there is a lot of research being done towards a cure. A lot of progress has been made in slowing down the advance of dementia and many feel that the final stages of the disease can be put off until the person succumbs to other natural causes even for those who are currently in the early stages.
j3. How does dementia affect reincarnation? If an entity exists in energy form can it be altered by the disease? Trauma of any sort appears to affect the process. Dementia is the worst sort of trauma and I have struggled with how an entity could survive the condition. It is the Achilles heel of reincarnation. In my chapter on The Entity I go into detail on their relationship to our physical brain. The only one in danger of being traumatized is the one I refer to as the prime entity. I did not discuss entity location in the chapter. Since they are energy, anywhere in the brain where energy related to thought and the senses is being processed, could easily host an entity. I think the course most forms of dementia takes provides us with a valuable clue. As dementia progresses the physical deformation of the brain becomes obvious. There is one area of the brain associated with cognitive abilities that remains relatively disease free until the final stages of AD and other forms of dementia. It is the cerebellum. There are diseases related to it. Parkinson's disease is one of them. Our personality survives the condition which many consider to be even worse than AD as you are consciously aware of your condition to the very end. The cerebellum has direct access to our sensory capacities and it is my hypotheses that the entities involved with reincarnation make it their home base.
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K. Extraterrestrials (ET):
k1. There is a lot more information substantiating the process of reincarnation than there is proving ET exists but there are a few relationships between the two phenomena. Many believe that the human species was seeded by a race from another planet. That could just as easily be entities from another planet. As energies they do not have to be species specific. All they require is a brain structure capable of hosting them. My hypothesis is evolution ultimately adapts an advanced life form to reincarnation. The ability for energy to integrate with an advanced brain regardless of the species makes more sense than an energy being species specific.
Another related phenomena is the cases where people believe they have been abducted by aliens. There are similarities to their stories. Whether we believe their stories or not, the fact is something happened to these people. Maybe it was all in their minds. Certainly any entity capable of integrating with our brain would be able to convince our conscious minds we had experienced an encounter but why would they do that? We focus on people telling their story but do we really try and understand why the event happened? There could be a common thread we are missing and I suggest that those that research this phenomena start asking questions that establish motive and not focus entirely on the event. I experienced a visit from something. There was no sense of my being visited by beings from outer space but I could see someone interpreting it as one. The form I saw was similar to the forms described by those who feel they were visited and I was paralyzed the entire time I had visual input. I describe the encounter in my chapter on The Entity
k2.Other than the related fear that comes from experiencing an unexplainable event, there is no trauma associated with the close encounters of any kind. There are reported cases of illnesses and trauma that is the result of experimentation but, to date, there is no conclusive proof.
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L. Soul Mates:
l1. What would any blog or novel be without a little romance? I debated using the topic but the fact remains there is something uniquely different about two people finding one another that instantly bond and stay together for the rest of their lives. To those of you that are fortunate enough to have met your soul mate and to those of you that know a couple that has truly bonded, the total integration between two people is obvious. There really is something special about these people. Once again we find ourselves crossing between the boundaries of metaphysics, religion and I believe science. I am not the first to say that soul mates met in a previous life. I believe I may be among the first to say it is a natural byproduct of evolution by way of reincarnation. My hypothesis is reincarnation happened in order to facilitate the passing of ability and knowledge between generations. Consider how much time the average person invests in establishing a meaningful relationship. Why start all over again if a couple is fortunate enough to have found that kind of love? The problem is how do they get back together since long term memory is not readily passed from one life to the next? I have no answer for that one but it is worthy of study.
l2. What could be more traumatic than affairs of the heart? Some even call it a disease and it sure feels that way when it goes wrong. It can make us physically sick. What more motivation could there be for evolution to adapt our species so an advanced state of love is passed on? The result is stabler families and healthier children and that sounds like positive adaptation to me. I have looked in vain for actual scientific research into the phenomena. It appears science is content to leave this topic in the hands of metaphysics and religion. That is an oversight.
With a little research, I think we could identify a difference between brand new souls mates and those that came together in a previous life. We could establish a data registry for soul mates to relocate one another where they could post information that may be hidden deep in the data stream that will be passed on. It would be an interesting experiment and it could be easily facilitated using the very instrument I am currently using to create this blog, the internet. I decided to include the topic because it is another clue we have overlooked for too long. I hope this and all the clues I have outlined has at least made my readers think about the possibilities.
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