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Monday, January 3, 2011

It Came to Pass

(If you are new to this blog please go to my first entry.)

The event that started me down this road was  my layoff last year as a sports writer/editor. Out of  boredom  I started reading anything and everything  that sparked my interest.  I was amazed by the amount of time, effort and money people put into all the  varied sub sets of existentialism  that continue to surface in modern day society.  The amount of time mankind spends  attempting to promote the importance of each us as individuals amazes me. I understand why. Self worth and confidence are vital to ones living their life but  can't we can feel good about ourselves and still recognize it is not all about us? The question I always ask people is, if we are  that important why is the universe so big?  There is a message there. That message may have been put there by a creator or it may just be there.

I recognize the  religious implications but this blog is NOT a debate on religion. It is about reality and our understanding of it. Beyond is not the issue being discussed. Infinity is real. The topic here is are we along for the ride?

I only bring up the above to set the stage  for where my mind was when I came across the research being done by Doctor Tucker at the University of Virginia.  I honestly did not know that there had been any significant  research done on reincarnation and I  couldn't believe  what I was reading. Of course there is always room for fraud in any human endeavor but birthmarks identical to wounds suffered in a purported previous life are hard to ignore.  In the past year I have read everything I could get my hands on regarding reincarnation and my conclusion is the possibility exists.

There is no scientific reason to dispute it. The laws of physics support the possibility. I provide no links because those that  can comprehend the physics required in order for an entity to exist in energy form don't need supporting arguments.

Doctor Tucker and others are studying the phenomena of reincarnation. I chose to focus on the process of reincarnation. I found studies on out of body experiences, suspended animation, and other mental conditions that have some connection but no studies on the process. If money can be found to study the phenomena what is the reasoning behind no one studying the process?

I see only two possibilities, There either are no tools available that allow a study to be conducted or no one wants to be the first person to tell everyone the world is round. There is good reason for the last one to be the main factor.

Religion and politics stand to lose most of their power to influence peoples lives. Look at all the religions and political beliefs that have come and gone in the course of human history. Reincarnation  would be a reality that no current western religion or any current political system could survive.  We lend lip service to creating a better world for our children to live in. The ball game gets  a lot more serious if that becomes the world you are going to live in. 

It turns out the second reason is the  only reason because we do have the tools to conduct the research and this blog is my effort to get the ball rolling.

Click on the following link for the final page, "The Right Tool" , of my introduction.

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