(If you are new to this blog please go to my first entry.)
This blog is all about reincarnation but it is not anything most of you will recognize as typical of any discussion you have read or heard in the past. It is about the process of reincarnation. Eastern religions and New Age beliefs go to great detail on the mysticism surrounding the topic and there has been and still is some research being conducted that is focused on the phenomena associated with the subject. Because of the religious implications, there exists a reluctance on the part of many people to dig into it too deeply.
Couple that with the tendency for those that do try and research the phenomena to focus on related phenomena instead of studying the process and it becomes obvious why we have made very little progress understanding whether it exists or doesn't exist in spite of the fact we have been discussing it for centuries.
All that we are as species is due to either our being created or having evolved to our current form. It is my belief, if God exists, evolution is Gods tool and our creation/evolution are one in the same. That belief is gaining strength in many religions as religion for far to long has seen science as its enemy and that is finally starting to change. People of faith are not ignorant and people of science are not placed here by Satan.
Personally I see evolution as a greater miracle than simple creation. In order to make that statement I need to define miracle. In common usage, miracle is just another way of saying good luck. The philosophical definition is always religious in nature. The argument is does God use the laws of nature to accomplish a miracle or can God break the rules of nature to achieve the desired effect? Those who believe God can do anything God wants have no idea how the miracle happened, nor do they want to. They place it all in God's hands. If everyone agrees there is no debate but the lack of debate results in a lack of knowledge and that contradicts the message the miracle of evolution is trying to tell us. It equates to everyone ignoring the star of Bethlehem as just another light in the night sky. There is an astronomical event that concurs with the story of the birth of Christ. That event is seen as a miracle by those of the Christian faith. It remains a miracle to this day. Evolution is no different. Science tells us that God plays by Gods rules if God exists. Science will one day prove whether God exists or doesn't exist. Either outcome will be a miracle as mankind will forever be changed by the knowledge.
If reincarnation happens it does involve an entity in energy form and that is a form that will exist for eternity provided it is not part of a cataclysmic event. Every clear night you look up at star light that has traveled for millions of years before becoming visible to the human eye. It is all the proof any of us need to know that existence in energy form is eternal.
My hypothesis is, if reincarnation happens, it is part of an evolutionary process that benefits our species. I further believe that any species who evolves to the same level we have will also be capable of reincarnation. I believe we are the only species on this planet that has the ability and the research I propose will prove that. The primary reason for the ability to reincarnate is to facilitate rapidly changing abilities and knowledge that physical DNA cannot keep pace with.We have evolved to a point where DNA alone can't get the job done.
Keep in mind the process exists to benefit the species and currently does not offer any conscious benefit to the person you currently are that is easily identifiable. You are an integration between an entity newly created or reincarnated and a physical human body which makes you unique. There are cases of recall that appear to be valid but they usually involve trauma in our current or past lives. Our brain and the process of reincarnation are set up to separate long term memory from short term memory and that, I believe, is not a coincidence. We may eventually evolve to the point where we will be able to integrate our past lives with our current one. This blog may be part of that process,
I will go into detail regarding all the phenomena that I believe are related to the process of reincarnation. I have become convinced, as I have studied these phenomena, they answer a lot of questions regarding who, what and why we are. All the topics I have addressed are open for discussion.
There are two parts to this discussion.The first part is the causes associated with the process evolving and the impact our new found knowledge will have on them, The second part goes into related phenomena that should have been looked upon as a whole a long time go. There would have been a lot more research conducted on reincarnation had we done so. Some topics address both. I urge readers to keep the forest in mind and not to get hung up on a tree. It is the forest that makes the case for researching the process of reincarnation. We have been stuck on the trees for far to long.
I left one phenomena out of the discussion which readers can post to this post if they have any information that could corroborate my observation. I go into savant abilities under autism but there are cases where no trauma is apparent that I see no other explanation for other than the person is calling on abilities and knowledge they gained in a past life. A perfect example of that was on the television show "America's Got Talent" last season. A 9 year old girl stepped up to the microphone and sang with a voice that normally takes years and years of training to create. If you haven't heard her, her name is Jackie Evancho. Certainly anyone can be born with the ability to do what she does but how does one her age get the years of training and knowledge to sing as she does? She appears to be a normal little girl and the only explanation I have for her is she sang in a previous life. One way to research that would to be compare her voice pattern to previous singers who have passed. It would be interesting research. I place little or no value in hypnotic regression. Too easy to lead the patient.
It is my contention that anyone who has dedicated their lives to an activity will have the ability to recall that activity in their next life at least subconsciously. I hope that Stephen Hawking experiences recall in his next life. Odds are he will get a better body next time and to be able to continue his work would be phenomenal.
Time to get down to brass tacks. I have written a page for each topic I present. I provide a link to that page below and on every associated topic that is posted to the blog. When new information becomes available via my ongoing research or inputs from the blog readers I will update the page associated with the topic. The pages will ultimately become a book should the debate go on long enough to warrant publishing one.
If you are impatient and want to read about the tool I propose for researching the process of reincarnation click on "The Right Tool". If you want more information on why I started this blog read the following posts, "Getting Started" and "And It Came To Pass"
The sections/posts to this blog are as follows:
... RELIGION ...
... POLITICS ...
... ABORTION ...
... THE BRAIN...
I welcome your input. Please provide references with links if you are quoting someone else' s work.
I have added two pages which require no discussion. The first is the the entity that presents my hypothesis representing our spiritual or energy self. Either you believe we have one, we don't have one or you are not sure. The only way to either prove or disprove my hypothesis is research. My door is open to anyone who wants to get involved in research. The other page is my hypothesis on how our entity accesses and/or finds its physical host or hosts. I call it my signal page. Once again research is required to either prove or disprove my hypothesis. If you are someone working in an associated field with access to research equipment, I would love to hear from you. Please contact me at dickholl@hotmail.com.
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If Reincarnation happens the process can be recorded and evaluated provided the right tools are available and we are looking in the right place.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Brain
Read my page on the Brain
I am not sure how to present this topic without it becoming a medical journal that only people in the medical profession can understand. Please take the time to read my page on the brain before posting to the topic. It is not easy to discuss this topic without turning it into a medical journal and I humbly ask those of you in the medical profession to frame your comments in laymen terms.
There is one section that anyone conducting brain research should read. I mention the Bolles Method in the section and anyone, who has any thought on the research I propose, I would really like to hear from.
The topic is "Does the structure of the human brain facilitate or deny the possibility of reincarnation?" We know that physics does not deny the possibility of an entity imprinted with the footprint of the human mind. Can we say the same about the structure of the brain? The brain has to have the ability to accept the entity at creation and release it at physical death. We do not have to prove it can. The only argument that would invalidate my proposed research would be proving there is no way the brain could support the coming and going of an unique form of energy.
Anyone who is an expert on the human brain is invited to assist me with this topic.
I am not sure how to present this topic without it becoming a medical journal that only people in the medical profession can understand. Please take the time to read my page on the brain before posting to the topic. It is not easy to discuss this topic without turning it into a medical journal and I humbly ask those of you in the medical profession to frame your comments in laymen terms.
There is one section that anyone conducting brain research should read. I mention the Bolles Method in the section and anyone, who has any thought on the research I propose, I would really like to hear from.
The topic is "Does the structure of the human brain facilitate or deny the possibility of reincarnation?" We know that physics does not deny the possibility of an entity imprinted with the footprint of the human mind. Can we say the same about the structure of the brain? The brain has to have the ability to accept the entity at creation and release it at physical death. We do not have to prove it can. The only argument that would invalidate my proposed research would be proving there is no way the brain could support the coming and going of an unique form of energy.
Anyone who is an expert on the human brain is invited to assist me with this topic.
Related Phenomona
Read my page on Related Phenomena
This blog has a ten page limitation so I had to combine the remaindering topics unto one page.The included topics are all indicators that aid weight to my hypothesis that reincarnation is happening. I encourage discussion about all of them but I would like to single out savant autism and autism in general as the one area we have been ignoring the most. Autistic children experience savant abilities and far more paranormal events than most children do. Some experience recall but not to the degree the children studied by Doctor Stevenson and Doctor Tucker have. I can only assume everyone is focused on the medical aspects of Autism and on the research for cures for a condition that is on the rise around the world.
The purpose of this post is to discuss the information I have outlined and whether it adds creditability to the possible existence of reincarnation. Please include the name of the topic along with any specific paragraphs from my page on the subjects. Each paragraph has an unique alphanumeric indicator.
This blog has a ten page limitation so I had to combine the remaindering topics unto one page.The included topics are all indicators that aid weight to my hypothesis that reincarnation is happening. I encourage discussion about all of them but I would like to single out savant autism and autism in general as the one area we have been ignoring the most. Autistic children experience savant abilities and far more paranormal events than most children do. Some experience recall but not to the degree the children studied by Doctor Stevenson and Doctor Tucker have. I can only assume everyone is focused on the medical aspects of Autism and on the research for cures for a condition that is on the rise around the world.
The purpose of this post is to discuss the information I have outlined and whether it adds creditability to the possible existence of reincarnation. Please include the name of the topic along with any specific paragraphs from my page on the subjects. Each paragraph has an unique alphanumeric indicator.
Read my page on Homosexuality
This topic really belongs under related phenomena suggesting reincarnation but it is a controversial subject especially now that we have revoked don't ask don't tell and many States are in the process of or already have sanctioned gay couples as being legally married. We still have a long ways to go before all people accept gay couples as being morally married.
I go into this subject in more detail on my page dedicated to Homosexuality. I see homosexuality as a largely overlooked clue indicating that reincarnation is happening. Once reincarnation is proved, current arguments stating, "Homosexuality is a choice!", will no longer be sustainable. Hopefully one result will be many homosexuals, who have a hard time feeling good about themselves, will accept their life for what it is.
The debate in this case is, will proving reincarnation change the way society and homosexuals look at the issue? This debate is not about whether homosexuality is right or wrong and any posts to that affect will be deleted. I am especially interested in homosexuals who feel they have been reincarnated in the wrong gender and any one who feels they can recall a previous life that involves gender change needs to contact a researcher and tell them their story.
This topic really belongs under related phenomena suggesting reincarnation but it is a controversial subject especially now that we have revoked don't ask don't tell and many States are in the process of or already have sanctioned gay couples as being legally married. We still have a long ways to go before all people accept gay couples as being morally married.
I go into this subject in more detail on my page dedicated to Homosexuality. I see homosexuality as a largely overlooked clue indicating that reincarnation is happening. Once reincarnation is proved, current arguments stating, "Homosexuality is a choice!", will no longer be sustainable. Hopefully one result will be many homosexuals, who have a hard time feeling good about themselves, will accept their life for what it is.
The debate in this case is, will proving reincarnation change the way society and homosexuals look at the issue? This debate is not about whether homosexuality is right or wrong and any posts to that affect will be deleted. I am especially interested in homosexuals who feel they have been reincarnated in the wrong gender and any one who feels they can recall a previous life that involves gender change needs to contact a researcher and tell them their story.
Read my page on Abortion
This beyond any doubt is one of the most controversial topics in this country. The subject is difficult to address because medical science has steadfastly refused to define what constitutes a human being. If there was any way to extend the doubt to preconception they would but common sense dictates that a human being is not possible until an egg has been fertilized. I haven't researched when that decision was finally made but it was a long time ago. Medical science has made huge strides since then but we remain stuck at conception being the moral compass for the creation of a human being. In contrast birth has become the legal determination for creation of a human being though most modernized nations have made abortion illegal in the third trimester. No matter, the two points of view couldn't be further apart if they tried. There is one exception. A person who murders a pregnant woman can be charged with a double homicide. The reasoning being the women wanted to have her baby and would have, had she been allowed to live.
There is no humor in this subject. The pain and suffering caused by the inability to sit down and come to a reasonable solution on either side is practically unmeasurable. Not only are the lives of the unborn affected, relationships and families are torn apart by the opposing points of view. Religious beliefs are shaken to the core, shattered and even denied by the decisions of women who find themselves pregnant when they had made no plans to raise or bear a child.
The mental and physical health of both women and men are compromised and tragic decisions end in the murder of adults as well as children. All that and society still refuses to compromise.
All the above is why I have included the topic in this blog. You can read more about this subject on my page on abortion. The topic of this debate is will proving reincarnation is fact change the laws and this nation and the worlds moral outlook on abortion?
This will be a no holds barred discussion as I see both sides as being responsible for the current dilemma. My hope is proving reincarnation will get both sides to sit down and take a much harder look at each others points of view. Please try and stick to the topic.
This beyond any doubt is one of the most controversial topics in this country. The subject is difficult to address because medical science has steadfastly refused to define what constitutes a human being. If there was any way to extend the doubt to preconception they would but common sense dictates that a human being is not possible until an egg has been fertilized. I haven't researched when that decision was finally made but it was a long time ago. Medical science has made huge strides since then but we remain stuck at conception being the moral compass for the creation of a human being. In contrast birth has become the legal determination for creation of a human being though most modernized nations have made abortion illegal in the third trimester. No matter, the two points of view couldn't be further apart if they tried. There is one exception. A person who murders a pregnant woman can be charged with a double homicide. The reasoning being the women wanted to have her baby and would have, had she been allowed to live.
There is no humor in this subject. The pain and suffering caused by the inability to sit down and come to a reasonable solution on either side is practically unmeasurable. Not only are the lives of the unborn affected, relationships and families are torn apart by the opposing points of view. Religious beliefs are shaken to the core, shattered and even denied by the decisions of women who find themselves pregnant when they had made no plans to raise or bear a child.
The mental and physical health of both women and men are compromised and tragic decisions end in the murder of adults as well as children. All that and society still refuses to compromise.
All the above is why I have included the topic in this blog. You can read more about this subject on my page on abortion. The topic of this debate is will proving reincarnation is fact change the laws and this nation and the worlds moral outlook on abortion?
This will be a no holds barred discussion as I see both sides as being responsible for the current dilemma. My hope is proving reincarnation will get both sides to sit down and take a much harder look at each others points of view. Please try and stick to the topic.
Read my page on the Environment
All that I need to say about reincarnations relationship to the environment can be found on my environment page. It is a topic that is discussed heavily but very little change results from all the discussion. My contention is reincarnation may add a new wrinkle and hopefully more people will take it more seriously then they do now. The topic for this debate is, will proving reincarnation is a fact make people take environmental issues more seriously? Tell me what you think.
All that I need to say about reincarnations relationship to the environment can be found on my environment page. It is a topic that is discussed heavily but very little change results from all the discussion. My contention is reincarnation may add a new wrinkle and hopefully more people will take it more seriously then they do now. The topic for this debate is, will proving reincarnation is a fact make people take environmental issues more seriously? Tell me what you think.
Read my page on Evolution
I don't have a lot to add to my page on evolution. It is the reason for the season when it comes to reincarnation if it in fact is happening today. If it isn't happening now it will happen in the future because physical DNA is not set up to adapt to the rapid changes ability and knowledge are bringing to mankind. I believe reincarnation is happening now and has been happening since the dawn of mankind but that is what this debate is all about.
Please do not quote scripture or other solely religious argument against the concept. Theistic Evolution attempts to recognize scientific concepts but the focus here is on reincarnation being a result of species adaptation in human beings. If God exists, evolution is part of Gods plan which, by default, makes reincarnation part of God's plan. Do not attempt to make it part of any organized faiths plan. Any posts that attempt to discredit reincarnation solely on religious grounds will be deleted. If God exists all of natural science is Gods plan including reincarnation. Any attempt to portray it otherwise is a lot more far fetched than my hypothesis that reincarnation occurs.
The debate is, is reincarnation a result of species evolution in mankind? I do not want to limit this debate to scientists only but I encourage any scientist who feels they have something to add in laymen' s terms to please post to this debate.Of special interest to me is what are the capabilities of DNA and what may be its future capabilities as that information could deny the possibility of reincarnation or could lead to it no longer being required. I seriously doubt we are going to adapt into ethereal beings with no form but we cannot rule it out.
I don't have a lot to add to my page on evolution. It is the reason for the season when it comes to reincarnation if it in fact is happening today. If it isn't happening now it will happen in the future because physical DNA is not set up to adapt to the rapid changes ability and knowledge are bringing to mankind. I believe reincarnation is happening now and has been happening since the dawn of mankind but that is what this debate is all about.
Please do not quote scripture or other solely religious argument against the concept. Theistic Evolution attempts to recognize scientific concepts but the focus here is on reincarnation being a result of species adaptation in human beings. If God exists, evolution is part of Gods plan which, by default, makes reincarnation part of God's plan. Do not attempt to make it part of any organized faiths plan. Any posts that attempt to discredit reincarnation solely on religious grounds will be deleted. If God exists all of natural science is Gods plan including reincarnation. Any attempt to portray it otherwise is a lot more far fetched than my hypothesis that reincarnation occurs.
The debate is, is reincarnation a result of species evolution in mankind? I do not want to limit this debate to scientists only but I encourage any scientist who feels they have something to add in laymen' s terms to please post to this debate.Of special interest to me is what are the capabilities of DNA and what may be its future capabilities as that information could deny the possibility of reincarnation or could lead to it no longer being required. I seriously doubt we are going to adapt into ethereal beings with no form but we cannot rule it out.
Read my page on politics.
By politics I mean all current forms of governments that are considered legitimate that are currently practiced on this planet. They will all be affected once reincarnation is proven. To read my write up on this topic please click here.
I don't have a lot to add to my page other than to frame the direction I want this debate to go. As an example let's take a current problem we have here in America, illegal immigration. We take a group of people who through no fault of their own were not born in this country and criminalize them simply because they want to come to our country. There are two sides to this debate which neither seems to want to listen to. If one steps back and tries to remain objective, it becomes obvious we create this problem whether there is any reason to do so or not.
The topic here is what effect, if any, will proving reincarnation have on illegal immigration? I think the effect of reincarnation will be obvious but I want to know how it might affect the way you look at the topic.
Lets take one scenario where the effect will be one or two magnitudes higher, the country of Israel. Now we are talking some real have duty issues. An Al Qaida operative could easily die on a mission to Palestine and be reincarnated as a Jew if reincarnation is a fact. Maybe God/Allah won't let that happen but I don't believe that and should it happen, there will be no virgins for the hapless operative who instead will be raised by a Jewish mother. I am not trying to make light of what has serious implications for all involved but I do believe the above examples certainly sets the tone for this debate
Remember keep it simple and keep it on topic.
By politics I mean all current forms of governments that are considered legitimate that are currently practiced on this planet. They will all be affected once reincarnation is proven. To read my write up on this topic please click here.
I don't have a lot to add to my page other than to frame the direction I want this debate to go. As an example let's take a current problem we have here in America, illegal immigration. We take a group of people who through no fault of their own were not born in this country and criminalize them simply because they want to come to our country. There are two sides to this debate which neither seems to want to listen to. If one steps back and tries to remain objective, it becomes obvious we create this problem whether there is any reason to do so or not.
The topic here is what effect, if any, will proving reincarnation have on illegal immigration? I think the effect of reincarnation will be obvious but I want to know how it might affect the way you look at the topic.
Lets take one scenario where the effect will be one or two magnitudes higher, the country of Israel. Now we are talking some real have duty issues. An Al Qaida operative could easily die on a mission to Palestine and be reincarnated as a Jew if reincarnation is a fact. Maybe God/Allah won't let that happen but I don't believe that and should it happen, there will be no virgins for the hapless operative who instead will be raised by a Jewish mother. I am not trying to make light of what has serious implications for all involved but I do believe the above examples certainly sets the tone for this debate
Remember keep it simple and keep it on topic.
Read my Page on Religion
The practice of religion fulfills us, confuses us and can lead to obscene acts of atrocity or charitable works beyond imagination. There are so many mysteries to life mankind literally has no alternative to faith. Sadly faith can be used as tool by those who seek power over their fellow men and any man or woman who denies their gullibility makes them an easy mark for those who would take advantage of them.
In my page on religion I introduce what I think is a new approach to the subject and how reincarnation, once proven, will surely impact it.
Please try and stay on topic and refrain from quoting scripture, whatever the source, as I will delete all diatribes about the benefits of one faith over the other. As a matter of record I am a Deist who has practiced many religions before arriving at my current belief. Because of the influences of cultures and teachings in our youth, I advise all people to listen to their internal skeptic until truly inspired by whatever faith touches you. Try to understand why any faith appeals to you and be skeptical of any personal rewards or gain that could come from sources other than God.
The one thing we all need to consider whether you believe in a God, Gods or don't, is knowledge is what is and there is no requirement for it to serve any mans faith or lack of faith. It has and will change all faiths and non faiths as we discover new information. If you believe in God all the knowledge we possess and will learn comes from God. If you are a non believer in God, it is that which we have not discovered and let it, along with the things we already know, be the guide for your moral and philosophical development.
Once again, please try and stay on topic, which is reincarnation and the role it will play on religion. That includes evidence against reincarnation other than scripture. I will engage in dialog regarding the history of religion as it is pertinent to this discussion. An example is why were all the references and teachings regarding reincarnation dropped from the Christian faith?
Thank you and may God or whoever you desire bless you.
The practice of religion fulfills us, confuses us and can lead to obscene acts of atrocity or charitable works beyond imagination. There are so many mysteries to life mankind literally has no alternative to faith. Sadly faith can be used as tool by those who seek power over their fellow men and any man or woman who denies their gullibility makes them an easy mark for those who would take advantage of them.
In my page on religion I introduce what I think is a new approach to the subject and how reincarnation, once proven, will surely impact it.
Please try and stay on topic and refrain from quoting scripture, whatever the source, as I will delete all diatribes about the benefits of one faith over the other. As a matter of record I am a Deist who has practiced many religions before arriving at my current belief. Because of the influences of cultures and teachings in our youth, I advise all people to listen to their internal skeptic until truly inspired by whatever faith touches you. Try to understand why any faith appeals to you and be skeptical of any personal rewards or gain that could come from sources other than God.
The one thing we all need to consider whether you believe in a God, Gods or don't, is knowledge is what is and there is no requirement for it to serve any mans faith or lack of faith. It has and will change all faiths and non faiths as we discover new information. If you believe in God all the knowledge we possess and will learn comes from God. If you are a non believer in God, it is that which we have not discovered and let it, along with the things we already know, be the guide for your moral and philosophical development.
Once again, please try and stay on topic, which is reincarnation and the role it will play on religion. That includes evidence against reincarnation other than scripture. I will engage in dialog regarding the history of religion as it is pertinent to this discussion. An example is why were all the references and teachings regarding reincarnation dropped from the Christian faith?
Thank you and may God or whoever you desire bless you.
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