(If you are new to this blog please go to my first entry.)
It is my hypothesis the moment of reincarnation, in order to occur, will be observable if we can find the proper tool to observe it. We may have to look in a new area to see the phenomena but I believe the odds are we will be able to detect the event utilizing EEG technology. If we cannot the research would need to be expanded out side of of the frequency ranges we currently detect.
Since the developing human being is inside it's mothers womb, attempting to implement a monitoring device could place the unborn and it's mother at risk. In cases where there are medical reasons to do so, the risk could improve the chances of normal development but we would be dealing with a compromised fetal development possibly resulting in undecipherable data. We need to be able to monitor the unborn's EEG when there are no known complications.
There has been a lot of research done on the gestation of humans. If an entity is going to move into a developing brain it will happen somewhere between the 20th and 27th week of a normal pregnancy. That window will be narrowed considerably when research commences. The event we are looking for will happen very rapidly. All transference's of energy when one is dealing with phenomena in this frequency range happen rapidly. There is every reason to believe it will have an unique signature as it is an unique event. It is also my hypothesis there will be a related event where the developing brain signals it is ready for the process to occur. That event may have a longer base line.
I believe, I call it a beacon, is necessary because, in energy form, we have no sensory perception and have no awareness of the passage of time or the physical world. We all experience the phenomena when we go to sleep at night and most of us have been under a general anesthesia that disconnects our consciousness from our sensory perceptions. Communication and motion will happen at the quantum level. I will talk about this more later but right now it's time to introduce the tool.
The standard EEG device requires the placement of sensors on the human skull which are then connected to a recording and display device utilizing lead wires. Obviously any attempt to connect sensors with their accompanying wires to an unborn infant in the womb could seriously compromise the health of the unborn and the birth mother. There has been some research in this area. Unborn's who have been aborted in the 20th to 25th week of pregnancy have been studied utilizing EEG technology in at least one program. For obvious moral and legal reasons, research of this nature should never be condoned.
EEG is being used with neonatal patients in cases where the newborn infant has suffered trauma or birth deformity so the technology does exist giving us databases on the wave patterns associated with the recently formed human brain.
The event we are looking for could easily be masked or compromised by any sort of trauma or deformity. This study needs to be conducted on healthy unborn's with no known complications during the pregnancy with one possible exception. In cases where in utero surgical repair is required there could be a medical benefit in monitoring the brain waves of the developing fetus. Monitoring the brainwave patterns of the unborn would require a wireless EEG. They do exist though all I am aware of are still under development. Ideally the monitoring device needs to be external to the womb and would probably consist of an array of sensors encircling the birth mothers abdomen. There would be two basic types of sensors, ones designed to monitor the brainwaves of the developing fetus and ones passively tracking the position of the fetus in order to establish the correct geometry for the sensors detecting brainwaves. To my knowledge no such device is currently being researched though it would be of great benefit in cases where the pregnancy is being compromised by deformity or disease.
Wireless technology is required in either case. The sensor array encircling the abdomen would be subject to massive interference from lead placement, clothing and mobility. Since we do not know when the event will occur, monitoring will have to be continuous from week 20 though week 27 of the pregnancy.
The bulk of the research for the external array will involve the transference of energy through amniotic fluid and the monitoring of pressure changes on the birth mothers abdomen as the fetus moves in the womb. Most of the research has been done on the wireless requirements. There has been extensive research on transferring energy through liquid that will apply to this application. To my knowledge, none of that research has explored the environment under consideration. Since there are medical benefits associated with any research in this area no one should consider the research not worthy of funding or consideration. If we do discover a moment of life, and I believe we will, it will impact every facet of living one can envision. Humanity doesn't adjust well to living on a flat world that turns out to be round but look at the advances in science and knowledge and how past major milestones have changed our society.
In summation, our tool comes in two forms. The one closest to development would be used when in utero surgery is involved and there is a medical benefit to the patient. The data gathered will be compromised by the trauma or illness and evaluation will be more difficult. The event may be so significant there will be no question when it occurs. The debate then becomes what does the event tell us?
The tool we need the most will take longer to develop. There should be no problem finding volunteers for the program. Once again, there are many medical benefits for doing the research even if we find nothing to indicate the merging of an entity with a physical body.
The launching point for this new tool will be based on the ongoing research being conducted on wireless EEG devices, transmission of energy in liquids, development of a monitoring array and the research being conducted at the University of Virginia by Dr. Tucker and his department.
The most recent work on wireless EEG that I have found is being conducted at the University of San Diego in La Jolla California. The original wireless research was conducted at The University of Sussex in the 1980's. The latest report I have been available to find is listed in the Applied Physics Journal (AIP).
For reincarnation to be possible we have to exist in wave form when we are separated from a physical body. Research has been conducted and is ongoing, attempting to weigh our entity or soul. In 1907 Dr. Duncan "Om" MacDougall conducted experiments, no one has tried to repeat, that attempted to weigh a change in body weight as a person died. The conditions were not sufficiently controlled and his results have been debated many times. Currently Dr. Gerry Nahum wants to conduct experiments with no funding for an instrument he feels will detect the passing of a soul or entity from the body. I believe, acknowledging the existence of an energy component to the cycle of life as part of the evolutionary process in an advanced life form, adds credibility to any work being conducted in this field. We spend billions of dollars researching cosmetics and a plethora of other products that add nothing of real value in our lives. In 1907 Dr. MacDougall did detect something. That something may have been nothing more than the results of a faulty experiment but he may have actually detected something that science cannot discount as being impossible. Have we learned nothing since the days of Galileo?
I have done considerable research regarding the right tools especially since I started experiencing a visual phenomena comprised of diffused violet light patterns in my field of view. The patterns are normally circular in shape and and feature a constant light source, literally like someone is shining a violet laser into my eyes. I go into detail on the phenomena in my blog "Do you wanna see dead people?" I apologize for the deliberate attempt to lure readers in using references to an once popular movie but in the world of internet babble you do what you have to do. My research and experiences have led to a hypothesis. The entity that exists after physical death enters and exits our body via our retinas. Experimentation in 1942 deduced that the human eye is capable of resolving a single photon of light. They chose red light for their experiment. Had they chosen violet light instead we could be living in a far different world then we are today. We need to repeat the experiments using light from the other end of the spectrum. My studies also show we need to experiment with the CRY1 and CRY 2 proteins in the human eye as I hypothesis they are involved in the process. These studies can all be done with existing technology and I strongly suggest someone look into the phenomena associated with near ultraviolet and violet light in the human eye and brain stem.
This concludes the introduction to this blog. The posts to follow allow feedback to all the topics I have introduced. They will fulfill the second purpose of this blog which is to continue expanding the research as there are a lot of people out there who have a lot more knowledge than I do when it comes to specific topics. I hopefully have avoided any major pitfalls in my research so I expect no earth shattering posts but life is full of surprises and I say bring it on and let's see where it takes us.
To those of you that feel I should be tied to a stake and set on fire, please stick to science. I understand that western scripture, no matter whose, does not support my conclusions but that didn't stop Galileo. I am no Galileo but I do find myself in a similar position. Suffice to say the impact of what I propose will be enormous should my hypothesis be proved. Our current paradigm on how we all conduct our lives will be drastically altered, I believe, to the benefit of mankind. Very few oxes will remain ungored.
As you know from our other talks Richard and my article on face book https://www.facebook.com/notes/steve-kane/consciousness-reincarnation-beings-of-pure-thought/130439147010238#!/pages/Guru-Sidra-reincarnation-and-the-path-of-truth/109908355704251?sk=info
ReplyDeleteI believe that the scrap that is "us" might be so small - in fact it might tend towards the smallest objects allowed by physics - somewhere close to the planck distance - that we have little chance of detecting it leaving or arriving.
Most people reading this will not be quantum physicists so I will disagree in hopefully laymen terms. For our entity to be able to integrate with our physical body it cannot stay in wave form which most assuredly it is when it is not part of our physical body. I think we are going to find that our entity has many similarities to a photon. As I write this I am flashing ultraviolet light like crazy so I humbly believe I am downloading this information as it transfers to my conscious mind. I could be hallucinating I suppose, but it is odd I only hallucinate when I am focusing on the subject of reincarnation.
ReplyDeleteAt the quantum level, the ability to transfer from particle to wave and back again and retain all the information for literally millions of lifetimes, becomes extremely challenged if we calculate the transfers at a sub photon level. Our entities arrival and departure uses the same pathway, the rods and cones in our eyes. The energy levels required to radiate or to detect a encoded signal and pass it to our brain stem, I believe, makes the wave detectable.
I really do believe those who explore reincarnation from a metaphysical or spiritual frame of mind really don't want to know a signal is detectable as the knowledge we learn from the process will make the process a natural one. I believe there is significant reluctance in the spiritual and mystical community to accept reincarnation is a natural byproduct of the evolution of an advanced life form. We all enjoy the beauty of a flower opening even though we totally understand the process involved. Reincarnation should be no different.