This blog is all about reincarnation but it is not anything most of you will recognize as typical of any discussion you have read or heard in the past. It is about the process of reincarnation. Eastern religions and New Age beliefs go to great detail on the mysticism surrounding the topic and there has been and still is some research being conducted that is focused on the phenomena associated with the subject. Because of the religious implications, there exists a reluctance on the part of many people to dig into it too deeply.
Couple that with the tendency for those that do try and research the phenomena to focus on related phenomena instead of studying the process and it becomes obvious why we have made very little progress understanding whether it exists or doesn't exist in spite of the fact we have been discussing it for centuries.
All that we are as species is due to either our being created or having evolved to our current form. It is my belief, if God exists, evolution is Gods tool and our creation/evolution are one in the same. That belief is gaining strength in many religions as religion for far to long has seen science as its enemy and that is finally starting to change. People of faith are not ignorant and people of science are not placed here by Satan.
Personally I see evolution as a greater miracle than simple creation. In order to make that statement I need to define miracle. In common usage, miracle is just another way of saying good luck. The philosophical definition is always religious in nature. The argument is does God use the laws of nature to accomplish a miracle or can God break the rules of nature to achieve the desired effect? Those who believe God can do anything God wants have no idea how the miracle happened, nor do they want to. They place it all in God's hands. If everyone agrees there is no debate but the lack of debate results in a lack of knowledge and that contradicts the message the miracle of evolution is trying to tell us. It equates to everyone ignoring the star of Bethlehem as just another light in the night sky. There is an astronomical event that concurs with the story of the birth of Christ. That event is seen as a miracle by those of the Christian faith. It remains a miracle to this day. Evolution is no different. Science tells us that God plays by Gods rules if God exists. Science will one day prove whether God exists or doesn't exist. Either outcome will be a miracle as mankind will forever be changed by the knowledge.
If reincarnation happens it does involve an entity in energy form and that is a form that will exist for eternity provided it is not part of a cataclysmic event. Every clear night you look up at star light that has traveled for millions of years before becoming visible to the human eye. It is all the proof any of us need to know that existence in energy form is eternal.
My hypothesis is, if reincarnation happens, it is part of an evolutionary process that benefits our species. I further believe that any species who evolves to the same level we have will also be capable of reincarnation. I believe we are the only species on this planet that has the ability and the research I propose will prove that. The primary reason for the ability to reincarnate is to facilitate rapidly changing abilities and knowledge that physical DNA cannot keep pace with.We have evolved to a point where DNA alone can't get the job done.
Keep in mind the process exists to benefit the species and currently does not offer any conscious benefit to the person you currently are that is easily identifiable. You are an integration between an entity newly created or reincarnated and a physical human body which makes you unique. There are cases of recall that appear to be valid but they usually involve trauma in our current or past lives. Our brain and the process of reincarnation are set up to separate long term memory from short term memory and that, I believe, is not a coincidence. We may eventually evolve to the point where we will be able to integrate our past lives with our current one. This blog may be part of that process,
I will go into detail regarding all the phenomena that I believe are related to the process of reincarnation. I have become convinced, as I have studied these phenomena, they answer a lot of questions regarding who, what and why we are. All the topics I have addressed are open for discussion.
There are two parts to this discussion.The first part is the causes associated with the process evolving and the impact our new found knowledge will have on them, The second part goes into related phenomena that should have been looked upon as a whole a long time go. There would have been a lot more research conducted on reincarnation had we done so. Some topics address both. I urge readers to keep the forest in mind and not to get hung up on a tree. It is the forest that makes the case for researching the process of reincarnation. We have been stuck on the trees for far to long.
I left one phenomena out of the discussion which readers can post to this post if they have any information that could corroborate my observation. I go into savant abilities under autism but there are cases where no trauma is apparent that I see no other explanation for other than the person is calling on abilities and knowledge they gained in a past life. A perfect example of that was on the television show "America's Got Talent" last season. A 9 year old girl stepped up to the microphone and sang with a voice that normally takes years and years of training to create. If you haven't heard her, her name is Jackie Evancho. Certainly anyone can be born with the ability to do what she does but how does one her age get the years of training and knowledge to sing as she does? She appears to be a normal little girl and the only explanation I have for her is she sang in a previous life. One way to research that would to be compare her voice pattern to previous singers who have passed. It would be interesting research. I place little or no value in hypnotic regression. Too easy to lead the patient.
It is my contention that anyone who has dedicated their lives to an activity will have the ability to recall that activity in their next life at least subconsciously. I hope that Stephen Hawking experiences recall in his next life. Odds are he will get a better body next time and to be able to continue his work would be phenomenal.
Time to get down to brass tacks. I have written a page for each topic I present. I provide a link to that page below and on every associated topic that is posted to the blog. When new information becomes available via my ongoing research or inputs from the blog readers I will update the page associated with the topic. The pages will ultimately become a book should the debate go on long enough to warrant publishing one.
If you are impatient and want to read about the tool I propose for researching the process of reincarnation click on "The Right Tool". If you want more information on why I started this blog read the following posts, "Getting Started" and "And It Came To Pass"
The sections/posts to this blog are as follows:
... RELIGION ...
... POLITICS ...
... ABORTION ...
... THE BRAIN...
I welcome your input. Please provide references with links if you are quoting someone else' s work.
I have added two pages which require no discussion. The first is the the entity that presents my hypothesis representing our spiritual or energy self. Either you believe we have one, we don't have one or you are not sure. The only way to either prove or disprove my hypothesis is research. My door is open to anyone who wants to get involved in research. The other page is my hypothesis on how our entity accesses and/or finds its physical host or hosts. I call it my signal page. Once again research is required to either prove or disprove my hypothesis. If you are someone working in an associated field with access to research equipment, I would love to hear from you. Please contact me at

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Frequent posts by author Kathryn Brown on her views and observations regarding reincarnation. Serious stuff but fun too.
ReplyDeleteIt is great to find your blog (through a link on facebook!).
Truth to be said, there has been serious investigation into the phenomena of reincarnation since last century, when French Educator Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail (aka Allan Kardec) investigated the phenomena of reincarnation, after life, communication with "the dead" applying empiric methods.
Kardec wrote five books, which you can download in English for free here:
Some books by Allan Kardec:
The Spirits’ Book – an outline of his studies, it is a great start.
The Mediums’ Book – detailed account of the phenomena of mediumship
Heaven and Hell – interview with those who have departed "life" about their states according to their life choices.
I have also read recently and recommend:
Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation by Gina Cerminara
Another book for your perusal:
ReplyDeleteSoul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot:
Happy journey!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the resources. I have read Soul Survivor. What I am looking for is any source of information of previous life recall by children who are not suffering from any apparent trauma like Autism. I believe recall is happening a lot more than we are acknowledging. The problem is listening to them without leading them. I believe social pressure stigmatizes many children who are experiencing recall and they end up keeping their mouths shut or worse are subject to therapy or indoctrination with the goal to cure them. The fact is they all lose the ability to recall as they mature so no indoctrination or treatment is necessary. My hypothesis is those who recall do so because they were traumatized in a previous life and the trauma heals in this life. Once healed, recall goes away. I want to add a section on childhood recall but I need help researching it.
Hi,Good morning,i am Rahul ,from Hyderabad,
ReplyDeletei Believe karma,past Life,Rebirth,& Aliens.
i Believe our past Life,& Rebirth are also on other planets as Aliens; on that planets Alien Life span is 1,000years,or 10,000years,or 100,000years; in that planets Aliens Live without polution(They use solar energy,not use petrol,diesel Like us);They are Looking so Beautiful compare to us(not Like as Hollywood film Aliens);God created Not only our Dirty planet,he also created,good world's,for who people did good Things,in their past Life;if God is not Here,Then all planets,stars(suns),Asteroids,Black Holes are collapsed (crushed by Accident);
i Think There is No Hell and No Heaven; God created only Hell Type of planets(Like our planet)& Heaven Type of planets;
i Think There is No Ghost. if There is Ghost, Then God Didn't created our planets&universe; Because,Ghost Destroy our planets & universe; only ourr past Life karma is Deside our Luck or Bad Luck; But suicide is Not Death,it is Against to GOD.
Note:There are 9 planets,170 moons in our solar system,There are 10,000crores(100 Billions) above solar systems in our Galaxy,There are above 10,000crores(100 Billions) Galaxies in our Universe; There are Lot of universes in space;
I too believe in Aliens but aliens is not the word I prefer to use. Our energy, when it is not conjoined with a physical body, is controlled by the laws that control the entire universe. As long as it can reunite with a physical form on this planet there is no reason for us to leave this environment. Should something happen to this environment our energy will travel as all energy must when subjected to the influences of the universe. Are new energies created when a new physical form is created or is there some spatial inter dimensional connection that draws in an energy when the unborn is ready to conjoin from anywhere in the universe? I would love to do research to find out. If we can travel across the universe via a portal we do not currently understand there are no aliens anywhere in this universe. Maybe our energies are unique to this world until this world no longer exists. Our galaxy is in the process of colliding with another galaxy. We are studying the impact that will have on our solar system. If this planet is going to be ripped apart in the not to distant future as measured in galactic time we really need to find more answers. If a portal exists we have no role to play as our escape is ordained. If there is no portal our energies will be dependent on the forces of the universe as we understand them and could wander for billions of years before finding a compatible life form. In that case we need to take an active role. There are no aliens in our universe. There are certainly other advanced lifeforms our energy can conjoin with.
ReplyDeleteAs for longevity in any life form we conjoin with, we are on the verge if extending life in our species into hundreds of years. It certainly is possible that evolution is capable of producing a life form that does not age. I believe we will gain the knowledge to speed that process along but we are a long way from bringing any sort of order to this chaotic universe we find ourselves in. I tend to believe that is the reason we exist. We are here to bring order to chaos. Isn't that what all life does? I see that as a message just as I see the size of the universe and the abilities of the photon as a message, I am an Indigo,. I am a messenger. Is anybody listening?